Getting Ready in the Best Possible Light

Lighting is everything. It is the most important technical aspect of any photograph. This is why we always encourage couples to consider the quality of the light throughout their wedding day, especially when it comes to the getting ready shots. A small dark room with fluorescent lights can make for a less than ideal lighting situation. Here are a few tips that can help us to capture the best getting ready shots on your wedding day.

1. Get ready near a large window with natural light. A large well-lit window is a very effective and flattering light source. Look for large windows and pay attention to how light comes in through your windows at the time you plan to get ready on your wedding day.

2. Avoid dark and cluttered rooms. One of the biggest things you can do is avoid getting ready in a small dark room. Larger rooms with more ambient light make for better pictures. Not to mention, cluttered spaces can be very distracting and may also limit the creativity of the photographer. To make more space, you might even think about moving furniture. This will allow the photographer to move about the room to capture photos from the best possible angle. Keep in mind that the makeup artist, hair stylist, photographer, close friends, family, and you will likely be in the room all at the same time.

3. Avoid fluorescent lighting. Fluorescent lighting is often very harsh and unflattering. Avoid it if you can. If you are getting ready in a hotel, ask for a hotel room with nice natural light. Bring and setup a large mirror in the area of the room with the best lighting.

With these tips, you can ensure that you will get the best possible getting ready shots on your wedding day. Be sure to read our other wedding photographer tips below.

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